Bible Study Research Principles
KJV Psalm 138:2 - ...for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.
KJV 2 Timothy 2:15 -S tudy to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
All Scripture interprets itself:
1. In the verse:
- • right where it is written,
- • a word or words must be interpreted according to Biblical usage,
- • the words must be in harmony with the verse as well as with all the scriptures relating to the subject,
- • scripture build-up; narrative development.
2. In the context.
3. As it was used before.
Biblical truths we must adhere to as workmen:
- 1. get "to whom" correct (administrations),
- 2. difficult verses must be understood in light of the clear verses,
- 3. interpretation and application are always with respect to whom it is addressed.
Seven steps to biblical accuracy:
- 1. the individual word must be understood,
- 2. the words must fit in the verse,
- 3. the verse must fit with the immediate context,
- 4. the immediate context must flow with the remote context,
- 5. the words must be understood in light of "to whom" it is written,
- 6. the words must be understood in light of orientalisms, customs, and mannerisms,
- 7. the words must be understood in light of the figures of speech.
Reading for understanding:
Ask yourself, "What is this verse saying?" To better understand what it is saying, ask yourself five other questions:- 1. What is it not saying?
- 2. What is the opposite of what it is saying?
- 3. What is unusual about the way in which it is said?
- 4. What did it mean to the first-century believers?
- 5. What does it mean to the believers today?
Biblical Research Principles in Bookmark Form (pdf file)
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