
God's Mining Operation

We are excited to bring you the Word of God in a different way and trust that you will enjoy studying along with us.


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The Heart Of Christian Service

We are all laborers together with the Lord. We are all one in Christ Jesus and seeking to use our gifts for His glory.


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Blame Game Victims

In this feature we will be exposing four invaders of the heart. You can overcome these monsters and save your world.


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Discover Your Gifting

It may be the time to take an inventory of yourself; time to make an honest evaluation of where you are in the race.


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"Thankful" Awareness

Many Christians are so often looking for the big things that they miss the little things that God does for them on a daily basis.


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TEP Stands With Israel

Christians United for Israel (CUFI) is the largest pro-Israel organization in the United States and one of the leading Christian grassroots movements in the world.


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Detox With Laughter

Having fun will detox your thought life and improve your health. It is a powerful antidote to stress and it is free.


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Israel Through The Eye Of A Camel

Welcome to the video series entitled, "Israel Through The Eye Of A Camel." These videos were shot in the land of Israel,


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Book Reviews

We select and review books that will enrich your Christian life!


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Connect With Us

Enjoy yourselves as you explore the extensive library of music playlists, as well as playlists that feature teachings from the Bible.

Discover Yourself

It may be the time to take an inventory of yourself; time to make an honest evaluation of where you are in the race. What's your position?

Word Buddies

Connect with someone and make a commitment to study the Bible together at least once per week.