Get Connected With God

You have to know God first! (:48)

Reading the Bible is a must! It's how you learn about His love and the promises He made to us.

  • •  He placed the integrity of His name behind His Word by putting it in writing.
  • •  He magnified His Word above His Name. (Psalms 138:2), 
  • •  You cannot believe that which you do not know exists.
  • •  Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. (Romans 10:17),
  • •  It is essential that you read His Word if you want to get to know God's heart.
  • •  Satan knows what's in the Bible that's why he's constantly attacking it.
  • •  The Bible is our rule book, our survival guide, and our bag of seeds.
  • •  The greatest secret in the world today is that the Bible is the revealed Word and Will of God.
  • •  What if we treated the Bible like we treat our cell phones? (2:51)

How do we stand approved before God? By studying His Word! (II Timothy 2:15)

  • •  Studying is necessary if you want to be able to distinguish between truth and error.
  • •  When you see how the entire Bible fits together like a hand in a glove it is exciting and this will motivate you.
  • •  You will learn the keys to living a victorious life.
  • •  You learn how to send satan running.
  • •  You learn what blessings you have in Christ Jesus.
  • •  You learn that you are a conqueror in every situation.
  • •  You can't renew your mind to the Word of God if you don't know it.
  • •  You get refreshed and enouraged by seeing God's heart for us.
  • •  You learn the keys to renewing your mind.
  • •  You can have hope in the knowledge that Christ Jesus is coming back to take us home for eternity.
  • •  You can have comfort knowing what Jesus Christ saved us from and what He has prepared for our future with Him.


Get Connected With Other Believers

What are you doing to be a blessing to other believers? (1:27)

  • •  Are you praying for your pastor?
  • •  Are you encouraging your pastor or always complaining about something?
  • •  Are you blessed to be a blessing?
  • •  Are you strong enough in the Word of God that you are able to help someone who isn't?
  • •  Are you a giver or a taker?
  • •  Do you know God's plan for your life or that He even has one?
  • •  Are you encouraging and helping other believers?
  • •  Are you a light to the world or just another dead bulb?
  • •  Is your life a good example to unbelievers of what God is all about?
  • •  Do you know what your pastor's vision is?
  • •  Are you doing everything you can to help your pastor with his goals and vision?
  • •  Do you give of your finances, time, and talents, to bless your church and other people?
  • •  Do you rip people down or build them up?
  • •  Are you striving to walk in love?
  • •  Do you make the mistake of judging others because you are gifted in a certain area?