September Releases

God made each one of us an original and He does not want copycats. Our adversary on the other hand will do everything in his power to stop you in your tracks in an effort to prevent the real you from standing up. Through the world and it's culture he is constantly reminding us that conformity is the best way to go. Your uniqueness is the target! Our differences make us special and that is by God's wonderful design. The many challenges we face on a daily basis are geared in a way to get us to try and be like someone else. We are continually being pushed and molded to be someone or something that we are not. Many people, too many in fact, are very wrapped up in and are identified with what they do, instead of who they are. Pressure from others can quite often be a point of frustration. Expectations to leave uniqueness behind have too many people stressed out, fatigued, without proper motivation, and joyless!

Joyce Meyer in her new book, "Authentically, Uniquely You," provides a blueprint that may be used to help you discover the beauty and elegance that is YOU, while also challenging and encouraging you to not conform, but rather to find the freedom to be yourself! With her usual easy to understand writing style Joyce has provided us with a book that has the potential to change our lives! As she often does Joyce has provided nugget boxes throughout the book which may be used as quick ready references. Personal experiences are added to the mix, and extensive scripture references button things up nicely. A very nice touch is the addition of two appendices which offer 50 scriptures that affirm God's love for you, and 50 scriptures that will empower you to love others.

This book is an excellent read and should definitely be read multiple times. In fact, it has the potential to be a daily tool to help you be all that God has made you to be, that is IF YOU WILL LET IT!

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