2021 June Releases

Ginger Stache is an Emmy Award-winning documentarian, writer, and television producer who is just as comfortable in the African bush as she is on a TV set. She has traveled the world sharing stories of amazing people who overcome incredible odds. Ginger loves to uncover of the best in people, the creative approach, beauty in all things, and joy in each day. She is the chief creative officer at Joyce Meyer Ministries, and can be seen on Joyce Meyer’s Enjoying Everyday Life program and hosting Joyce Meyer’s Talk It Out podcast. She is also a mom, an unashamed sci-fi nerd, an adventurer, and a leader who believes in the power of compassion, inspiring people, and sharing Jesus by telling great stories. She lives in Missouri with her husband and one small, twitchy puppy. They have two beautiful grown daughters and two spectacular grandchildren. Keep up with Ginger’s adventures by following her on Instagram and Facebook @gingerlstache and her website.

Are you living life in your personally constructed comfort zone? Many people find themselves merely surviving instead of experiencing life. Too many heads are filled with thoughts of monotony, and even the casual glance into the possibility of straying outside of our self built safe zone is quickly overcome. Is your brain wired only for the accomplishment of everyday seemingly mundane and uneventful tasks based on habits you have formed over a lifetime. Boredom and loss of self value have taken over many lives with fear doing the driving. Fear says stick with what you know, stay where you feel comfortable, and do not even think about venturing into that unknown place of possibilities.

Ginger Stache in her new book, “Chasing Wonder,” aims for you to change all that. Ginger through her amazing life examples and stories of true adventure provides the much needed inspiration to guide us into a practical process geared to help us launch into a life of adventure. She encourages us to to have an adventure mentality along with a strategy to accomplish our objectives. This book is filled with life goodies that will spark a hunger to experience the great wonders that God wants us to enjoy. Making a conscious effort to move away from our self-imposed limitations, and "the expectations of others" trap, while maintaining an expectant mindset, will serve us well in the chase for wonder in our lives. At the end of each chapter Ginger has placed a “Step By Step” nugget list of self discovery questions and action points which are meant to help stimulate our chase for the wonder around us. I really found these nuggets to be extremely useful. This book is a delightful read and certainly provides encouragement for us to take “Small Steps Toward A Life Of Big Adventures!”

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