2019 September Releases

For almost two decades, KATIE BROWN has transformed the art of homemade into a worldwide brand, delivering how-to information for people passionate about cooking, gardening, crafting, decorating, entertaining and family. Her enthusiasm, humor and down-home, all-American personality brings delight to her audiences and instills trust in her brand. People Magazine has hailed Katie as “TV’s meat-and-potatoes Martha Stewart,” and USA Today calls her “the doyenne of domesticity for a new generation. In a Guideposts cover story, she was described as a “laid-back lifestyle expert.” She and her husband live in Ridgefield, CT.

Many Christians are always looking for the big things; the major blessings, the breakthroughs, financial success, job promotions, and the list goes on and on. We do this so often that we miss the little things that God does for us on a daily basis. Little blessings such as:

  • •  you pull into a parking lot and a nice parking spot opens up, or
  • •  you go into a bank and the teller is ready for you, or
  • •  the items that you are purchasing at the store just went on sale or are "BOGO."

Do you think that these things just happen by chance? No way! I believe that these are the little ways in which God blesses us each and every day. These are the little treasures that are so easy to miss when we take God for granted. We need to be thankfully aware that God is with us in our daily routines and if we let Him, He will just surprise us to no end.

Katie Brown in her new book, “Dare To See,” takes these beliefs to a higher level as she shows through her life experiences that God may be found everywhere that we go, and in almost everything that we do. The book is a series of short stories that are meant to provide inspiration to the reader.

The author's concept and suggested use for this book is to employ a “Four Step” approach through which you may recognize, understand, and honor your own experiences. God is always at your side and this book provides insight that will help you discover that truth.

This book is not one that you must read in any specific order, but rather it is designed so that you may choose the story that will benefit you, and help you in a particular area of your life where you may need guidance at the present time. At the conclusion of each story there are two sections; “For Further Reflection” which provides three probing questions that will help guide you into the, “Put It Into Practice” section which can be used to help you develop new habits and actions.

This book is plainly written, easy to understand, and can make a dynamic impact on your life if you make a choice to use it to “Dare To See” God in your everyday life.

Click here for more information and ordering options!