2020 November Releases

JOEL OSTEEN is a New York Times bestselling author and the Senior Pastor of America’s largest church, Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas. More than 10 million viewers watch his weekly inspirational messages through television, and over 60 million people connect with Joel through his digital platforms worldwide. Joel can be heard 24/7 on SiriusXM 128 – Joel Osteen Radio. Connect with Joel on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram or visit his website at joelosteen.com.

I don't think I'm going out on a limb when I say that many people have heard the term, “renewing the mind.” Certainly in Christian circles this is a term that is often heard, and sometimes even used to the point that it has become cliché. But, what exactly does it mean? And more importantly, how do we go about doing it? Words are powerful, they are containers of power, are also phrases we hear often, and again sometimes to the point of over kill, when no real education is attached to their use. Hey, wait a minute, what does this have to do with this book review? I am so glad you asked!

Joel Osteen in his new book, “Empty Out The Negative,” without actually using the term, “renewing the mind,” quite nicely puts forth Six Chapters which attempt to put the reader on a path to actually pursuing this ever important quest that we all need to be actively engaged in on a daily basis. God's fantastic design of the human brain is magnificent. The way our brains react to our thought life is absolutely amazing. Negative emotions and thoughts, as Joel describes, when harbored in our brains, take up precious real estate; real estate that is designed to harbor good things that promote growth and positive direction. Brain cells wire together as part of God's design and are based on our thought life. We don't have immunity when it comes to negative thoughts; the system works the same way as it does for our positive thoughts. Negative strongholds are formed and take up valuable space that we otherwise need in order to reach our destiny and purpose that God has for our lives.

Joel always has such a straightforward and simple way of getting his points across. His words are very calming and he always seems to encourage his listeners in a very positive way. Well, in my opinion, he writes the same way that he preaches. When I read this book I could almost hear his voice speaking the words that I was reading. Throughout the book there are little highlighted strategic point boxes which may be used as ready reference points well after we finish the book. Quick hits, if you will, that may be just what we need, at just the right time. This book is an easy read, and each chapter has sub chapters which help the reader focus in on the important progressive elements of the overall subject matter.

I really like the message that Joel has attempted to drive home, and in my mind he has accomplished his mission. One of my favorite principles learned from this book is, “Drop It, Leave It, Let It Go”

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