Welcome To Jenna's Page

My journey with Children of the Nations (COTN) started 10 years ago when I took my first trip to Malawi, Africa. I already had a heart for working with children in need, and it only grew when I saw the desperate situations over there. I decided to come on staff and join the amazing work that God is doing in the lives of these children, so I began fundraising for the position of International Hospitality Coordinator.

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           View Jenna's Hospitality Story (4:33)



COTN-Hospitality strives to mobilize people and resources to equip teens and young adults for a career in Hospitality Management. Tourism is an extremely global industry, and has opportunities at every level. This program works to give students the necessary education and training needed to have a great career in Hospitality. I am excited for the day when so many of our children have grown up and become professionals who know they have the talent and capability to provide for a family, have a career and be an influential leader in their community.

There are a few very exciting things happening now. We have developed a partnership with two major colleges in Central Florida - The University of Central Florida (UCF) and Valencia College. Each one partners with COTN in a variety of ways. For several years now, Valencia Events and Marketing students do their semester projects for COTN, raising funds and awareness. The students are doing an amazing job with it! The professor also travels with COTN to provide leadership training to our international staff. A couple professors at UCF's Rosen College of Hospitality Management also travel with COTN, providing amazing culinary training to staff and students.

The most exciting thing by far is that these two colleges have granted full tuition scholarships to select COTN students. Our first student just started at Valencia, getting his Associate's degree in Hospitality and Tourism Management. He will then continue on to UCF for a Bachelor's in Entertainment Management. We are extremely proud of his accomplishment and everything he is doing to pave the way for future students.

Thank you for reading! Please consider joining our partnership team and raising children who transform nations through Hospitality. Share with the Lord's people who are in need. Practice Hospitality (Romans 12:13)



Media From The Mission Field

Please enjoy the following videos and photo albums from some of our trips!

  1. July 2012 Dominican Republic Trip Photo Album

    We have just returned from our trip to the Dominican Republic. Please view our photo album which may put a smile on your face as you see the beautiful children that we had the priviledge to interact with during our stay. God is truly working mightily in their lives as well as in our lives as we follow His lead and let our lights shine in these foreign lands.

  2. Check out our DR trip video - July 2011 (3:35)

    We went with Summit Church to the Dominican Republic. Our team consisted of leaders and students from Summit's High School Student Ministries. We held a day camp for the special needs children of COTN's program. We had a great time playing all sorts of games with them.


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