2019 Spring Reads Review

In December of 2018 in our series, “The Heart of Christian Service,” I presented the message, “Senior Players Don’t Play With Trains.” The driving force and intent of this message was to provide valuable insight and much needed encouragement to those servants which the younger crowd classifies as seniors. It was a delight to find that this month Hachette Book Group, Inc. published the book, “Get On Your Knee Replacements And Pray!” The title really caught my eye and necessitated that I check it out.

This book is authored by The Kandels who are identical triplets and one younger sister, who are a little north of middle age and a bit south of rigor mortis. Together, they teach, write, and speak in church settings.

Getting older is a fact of life and if we are not careful about it, the mere prospect of reaching our senior years has the ability to take its toll on our mindset, and catapult us into a downward spiral of regrets, lack of purpose, depression , or worse. An attitude of bitterness especially towards the younger generations may rear its ugly head and deprive us of the new direction that God has for us in this the next step of our lives.

Along come The Kandel sisters with insights that may give your outlook a much needed overhaul and spiritual B-12 shot. The layout of the book, its presentation, and its blend of humor makes for an easy read. The use of personal and sometimes self-deprecating stories that will sometimes make you laugh, and at other times bring you to tears, hit the mark which is sometimes difficult to do when discussing the harsh realities of getting older. Many important areas are covered in a very delightful but impactful way. At the conclusion of each chapter is a prayer based on that chapter’s underlying theme which allows you to communicate to God about your needs in that particular arena. This is a most useful tool in my view and I thank the authors for providing them. Another aspect of the book that I find valuable is the Study Guide which is provided with questions relating to each of the chapters.

Seniors and those facing the next step in their lives are faced with difficult and sometimes overwhelming questions, misconceptions, and unsubstantiated perceptions. This lighthearted look at how to overcome negative emotions and let God use you to bring Him glory is a good read, and with the provided prayer and study questions can be used as a valuable tool in conducting Bible studies especially in a small group setting. Many seniors may be in need of the life changing lessons contained within its pages.

Click here for more information and ordering options!

Our audio review of this book is available on our podcast which is available on numerous outlets and platforms.You may view your free subscription options in the "Audio Podcasts" section at the bottom of this page