2021 June Releases

Different people fear different things as is evidenced all around us. Fear has the ability to infiltrate the lives of our little ones, and a very prevalent face that fear presents to them is that of the dark. So we should not find it strange that Penguin has a very unique packing list that he uses to get ready for his sleepover at Moose's house.

In this delightful book, Penguin & Moose Brave the Night, Hannah C. Hall takes the kids through the story of Penguin's first sleepover experience. When Moose invites Penguin to his house for a sleepover, excitement is in the air. He had never spent the night at a friend's house before so to say that he was thrilled is an understatement. Packed with his essentials he headed on over to Moose's house. What to do first was the real question? As the night progressed and fun time was over, and snack time was over, and story time was over, it was nighttime, and nighttime really means lights out time! Hannah unpacks Penguin's tools as she takes the kids through his sleeping regimen, a regimen which was prepared with protection tactics which really expose his very real fear of the dark. Things did not really go as Penguin planned, but Moose saved the night and got Penguin through his fear. Hannah through Moose provides a great message to the kids that they are never alone. God is always with Moose and He is is always with them as well. Penguin learned a great lesson that night of the sleepover; he doesn't ever have to be afraid because he is never alone. The illustrations of Stacy Curtis make the story come to life and the kids will love them.

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