2022 July Releases

JOEL OSTEEN is a New York Times bestselling author and the senior pastor of America’s largest church, Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas. Millions watch his weekly inspirational messages on television and connect with Joel through his digital platforms worldwide. Joel can be heard 24/7 on SiriusXM 128—Joel Osteen Radio. Connect with Joel on Twitter and Instagram, or you can visit his website, and find him on Facebook.

Joel's new book, Stay In The Game, is small in size, but packs a powerful message. Through his usual easy to read writing style, Joel offers the reader encouragement to persevere. We all encounter obstacles, circumstances, and negative situations that have the potential to sideline us. It is very easy for us to give up during times of trouble and pain. The adversary is no slouch; he will keep hitting you, and even harder when you are down. Guess what? IT HURTS! The message put forth in this book is one of strength. We are to have the confidence to strike back at those obstacles, staying strong, and being ready to meet them head on with perseverance. This is a great book to keep handy as a ready resource, to help you in those times when you may least expect to need it.

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