2019 Spring Reads Review

JOHNNY MCGOWAN is a man of many titles, some being: armor-bearer, mentor, motivational speaker, entrepreneur, developer, and custom homebuilder. He has been a member of Lakewood Church since 1974, one of the largest non-denominational churches in America, where he currently serves as an associate pastor. Johnny offers a message of hope, servanthood, and “stepping up” to the aspiring leaders and volunteers whom he advises, as well as to pastors he ministers to on a local and global level. Johnny and his wife, Donna, share five beautiful children together and reside in Houston, Texas.

In March 2019 we finished up the series, “The Heart of Christian Service.” Self-examination is the basis for the series. The need to probe our hearts, asking ourselves some important questions, provides the foundation. Why do you serve the Lord? What drives your level of commitment? Those that are in full time Christian service and those that are in part time Christian service are all essential to the building of God's church. We are all laborers together with the Lord. We are all one in Christ Jesus and seeking to use our gifts for His glory.

The book “Stepping Up!” written by Johnny McGowan was released in March 2019 and it fits so nicely with the goals and vision that we embrace here at The Ephesians Project. In today’s world and in the culture that we live the message we receive repeatedly is that in order to be successful we must climb the ladder of success. You want to be a good leader; do it from the top. You want people to recognize your success; then you have to accumulate wealth and material things so that your success is visually evident. Johnny does a masterful job in showing readers that in order to step up they need to climb down. “Stepping Up!” is about recognizing who you are, finding the place where God wants you, and arming yourself with the plan He has uniquely designed for you. Stepping up requires the heart of a servant and the willingness to serve others.

Johnny uses stories of his personal challenges and experiences in a way that leads the reader to grasp key concepts and principles in a most enjoyable way. This book can be used as a template that may be molded to your needs, personality, and gifting. There are a couple of questions provided at the end of each chapter that you may use in personalizing that template. These questions are intended to help you practice the principles of stepping up that were covered in each respective chapter. The author encourages you to write down and/or journal your thoughts, answers, questions, and reflections in response to each chapter. You will also find a short prayer after each set of questions which is provided to help you fire up your conversation with God and allow Him to give you guidance and direction. This book is a must read and I strongly encourage you to get your hands on it. Johnny McGowan has provided a resource that is valuable for personal enrichment, and may be a great tool for Bible study and home fellowships.

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