The "Thankful" Awareness Campaign

This campaign kicked off on November 19, 2010 and is ongoing.

Many Christians are always looking for the big things; the major blessings, the breakthroughs, financial success, job promotions, and the list goes on and on. We do this so often that we miss the little things that God does for us on a daily basis. Little blessings such as:

  • •  you pull into a parking lot and a nice parking spot opens up, or
  • •  you go into a bank and the teller is ready for you, or
  • •  the items that you are purchasing at the store just went on sale or are "BOGO."

Do you think that these things just happen by chance? No way! I believe that these are the little ways in which God blesses us each and every day. These are the little treasures that are so easy to miss when we take God for granted. We need to be thankfully aware that God is with us in our daily routines and if we let Him, He will just surprise us to no end.

So this campaign is about recognizing those little blessings, thanking God for them, and allowing His grace and blessings to put smiles on our faces no matter what activities we are performing. I challenge you to use a journal and log in every little blessing that you receive each day. I trust that you will be amazed how often God intervenes in your life. Then thank Him, give Him the glory, and let people know how God is blessing you. And guess what? When you have a continual smile on your face, unbelievers will soon be attracted to you and want what you have.