2020 Summer Reads

Joel Osteen is the senior pastor of Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas. More than 10 million viewers watch his weekly televised services each week in the United States, and millions more in 100 nations around the world. He can also be heard 24 hours a day on Joel Osteen Radio SiriusXM channel 128. He is the author of 11 national bestselling books and has been named by numerous publications as one of the most influential Christian leaders in the world. He resides in Houston with his wife, Victoria. You can visit his website, and find him on Facebook.

“The Abundance Mind-Set ” is a compact, uplifting, book about vision! The mind is a powerful thing and the pictures that you reflect on relative to that vision will determine what kind of life you live. How do you see yourself? Do you reflect on positive images or negative images? Are you seeing yourself as an over comer, or as a quitter who struggles and submits to every obstacle you may face? The Bible is very clear about the power of our thoughts!

In this book Joel Osteen drives home the importance of having a positive mind-set. You must see yourself always rising to new levels, consistently upgrading your expectations. Joel shows that a lack of vision will severely limit you and crush your dreams. This book will inspire you to maintain a BIG vision of abundance as you trust and believe that God will make things happen.

If you want to be uplifted, encouraged, and inspired to live the more than abundant life that Jesus Christ died to give you, then it would behoove you to get this book.

Click here for more information and ordering options!