March Releases

Cara L. T. Murphy is an American-born, Irish-bred writer and teacher. An instructor with Liberty University’s School of Divinity, Cara trains students toward a passion for knowing the God of the Scriptures. With her husband and two daughters, she lives in Virginia and adventures in County Kerry, Ireland, seeking more of God in all the unveiled places. Cara is a pilgrim who reads constantly, cultivates both conversations and her roses, and in all things desires journeying deeper into the wild country of the Living Word. Cara holds a Master of Arts in Religious Studies, specializing in biblical languages. Cara lives with her family in Lynchburg, Virginia.

Cara L. T. Murphy's new book, “The Inquisitive Christ,” did not meet my expectations. I often found myself lost in the narrative license waiting anxiously for the author to arrive at each chapter's substance; most of the time I could not wait for each to come to a conclusion. I would have possibly enjoyed the book if Cara did not go around the mountain, but would have appreciated it greatly if she had gone through the mountain. There were a few different times that I wanted to put the book down and not finish it. But! I made the decision to stick with it, persevering through the bloated, embellishing prose. Now, I realize that for some the author's style will be well received, and probably even enjoyed. This, however, is not the case for me.

The book, however, did have good points that I really did enjoy. When the substance was finally arrived at the message was encouraging and uplifting. Cara also provides at the end of each chapter a section, “For Contemplation And Discussion,” and a section, “For Reflection,” which contains some thought provoking and self discovery questions. When using these sections in the way the author has intended, they may provide valuable insight by which you can make some life changing decisions to enhance your Christian walk. For me the part of the book most appreciated is the “Appendix: 100 Questions Jesus Asked.” Cara lists these questions along with scripture references which provide a valuable ready reference tool that you can use to further your study into this important area of Bible study.

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