2023 March Releases

Dr. Henry Cloud is an acclaimed leadership expert, clinical psychologist and New York Times bestselling author. His 45 books, including the iconic Boundaries, have sold nearly 20 million copies worldwide. He has an extensive executive coaching background and experience as a leadership consultant, devoting the majority of his time working with CEOs, leadership teams, and executives to improve performance, leadership skills and culture.

Relationships are driven by trust, and God has wired trust into the very fabric of our being. He wants us to trust Him in every area of our lives. The trust mechanism is what makes the world go round. But what exactly is trust, and what does it mean to trust someone or something? What happens when the bond of trust which we begin to learn as infants breaks down? Are there consequences resulting from situations whereby we have misplaced trust? These are just some of the questions that are answered in, "Trust," the new book by Dr. Henry Cloud. We are living in a time when everything we know to be right is said to be wrong. Things that we believe in, confide in, and value are being challenged in the arena we call life.

Trust is a concept that can be very subjective. If we took a survey asking people to define trust, I am confident that we would get a plethora of different ideas and definitions! Drawing from his expertise in the areas of leadership, clinical psychology, and research, Dr. Cloud dives into the very essence of trust, exploring it's five foundational aspects, and what is needed to actually put them in place. Using real life examples the author shows the reader how disasters may be averted, while also examining the consequences of unsuccessful outcomes, which result from not understanding the important components of trust! This book can be a very important resource in the areas of leadership, management, personal counselling, marriage counselling, and situations where repairing broken and/or violated trust is needed. The wisdom contained within the pages of this book when used in the training process, has the potential to headoff negative situations before they have a chance to take root. When we are able to understand and get a hold of the information that Dr. Cloud presents in this masterful work, our relationships have the potential to be very fruitful and rewarding. I recommend this book without hesitation and it is a book that should be kept as a ready resource.

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