Detox Your Brain With Laughter

Having fun will detox your thought life and improve your health. It is a powerful antidote to stress and it is free. Fun is a resource that God has built into your brain that helps you surmount problems and makes you feel good. Laughter was referred to by Norman Cousins as "internal jogging" because it literally lets peptides flow. Many studies show why laughter is "the best medicine!"

  • •  it releases an instant flood of feel-good chemicals that boost the immune system
  • •  it almost instantaneously reduces levels of stress hormones: it can make cortisol drop by 39% and adrenaline by 70%, while increasing endorphin levels by 29% and growth hormones by 87%
  • •  humor promotes synergy, interaction between both hemispheres of your brain
  • •  laughter is as effective as aerobic exercise in boosting health in body and mind
  • •  it is an effective, cheap, and easy way to control toxic thoughts and emotions and their toxic stress reaction
  • •  it rejuvenates the mind, body, and spirit
  • •  it gets positive emotions flowing

People are too serious in today's world, especially Christians; so much so that we can say that people are suffering from "Toxic Seriousness." In an effort to help you we thought that it would be a "fun" idea to set up this page so that you can visit us, view or listen to some comedy, and then laugh, and laugh some more!

All of these messages may be viewed by clicking on the titles below or you may view them on our YouTube Channel.

Some videos may only be viewable on our YouTube Channel.


  1. False Teeth (3:44) - Mark Lowry

  2. Talking About His Accident (10:25) - Mark Lowry

  3. Open Heart Surgery (8:57) - Mark Lowry

  4. The Car Reservation (2:11) - Seinfeld Show

  5. Latex Salesman (2:25) - Seinfeld Show

  6. Hire This Man! (:41) - Seinfeld Show

  7. Dentists (7:34) - Bill Cosby

  8. The Guys' Favorite Jokes (9:24) - Bill Engvall, Larry the Cable Guy, Ron White and Jeff Foxworthy

  9. Blue Collar TV Politically Correct Fairy Tales With Larry The Cable Guy (4:45)

  10. World's Are Colliding! (3:32)

  11. Tim Hawkins: Clean Humor for the Family! (31:55)

  12. John Crist: Christian Comedy Set (14:566)

  13. George And His Gore Tex Coat (1:52)

  14. Colonoscopy (8:19) - Jeff Foxworthy

  15. Taylor Mason at The Church at Severn Run (1:03:58)

  16. Sleeping in Tubes (8:12) - Jeanne Robertson

  17. Don't send a man to the grocery store! (7:53) - Jeanne Robertson

  18. Don't Bungee Jump Naked! (6:29) - Jeanne Robertson

  19. Don't Get Frisky In A Tent! (4:21) - Jeanne Robertson

  20. Comedy on the Road Less Traveled (9:03) - Michael Jr.

  21. Puddy Is A Christian (4:07) - Seinfeld Show

  22. Jerry's New Haircut 1 (1:09) - Seinfeld Show

  23. Jerry's New Haircut 2 (1:01) - Seinfeld Show

  24. Funniest Seinfeld Moments Part 1 (9:09) - Seinfeld Show

  25. Jackie Chiles Perfect Attorney (12:54) - Seinfeld Show

  26. Lost Episode with deleted scenes and stand-up (25:08) - Seinfeld Show

  27. Best 8 Bits Funniest Moments in HQ 2011 (7:38) - The King Of Queens Show

  28. The Bathroom Fight (7:19) - Everybody Loves Raymond

  29. Great Moments (8:44) - Everybody Loves Raymond

  30. The Golf Scene (4:09) - The Honeymooners

  31. Blabbermouth! (1:35) - The Honeymooners

  32. But can it core a apple (10:51) - The Honeymooners

  33. Achmed is Santa (4:27) - Jeff Dunham

  34. Debra Drops The Turkey (1:50) - Everybody Loves Raymond

  35. George Costanza Does The Opposite (3:05) - Seinfeld Show

  36. Men Judge Women (4:13) - Akintunde

  37. Clips from A Very Funny Christmas (8:16) - Akintunde and Friends

  38. Stelllaaa (1:50) - Seinfeld Show

  39. Maybe The Dingo Ate Your Baby (:35) - Seinfeld Show

  40. Chinese Restaurant Missed Call (2:07) - Seinfeld Show

  41. The Pez Dispenser (2:29) - Seinfeld Show

  42. Take The Pen (1:01) - Seinfeld Show

  43. The Pony (3:27) - Seinfeld Show

  44. Costanza Double Dips (1:05) - Seinfeld Show

  45. You Gotta Pay For That (5:25) - Creflo Dollar

  46. Two Tens for a Five (1:19) - Abbott and Costello

  47. The Courtroom Scene (10:04) - Abbott and Costello

  48. Loafing (3:01) - Abbott and Costello

  49. Best Moments From Home Alone (3:29)

  50. That's Garbage (1:21) - Seinfeld Show

  51. Debt (6:14) - Tim Clue

  52. Jeff Allen on ADHD (3:20)

  53. Heavyweights of Clean Comedy Demo (9:53)

  54. Ken Davis Seriously Funny DVD 1 (9:51)

  55. Ken Davis Seriously Funny DVD 2-3 (14:21)

  56. Ken Davis Seriously Funny DVD 4 (3:50)

  57. Ken Davis Seriously Funny DVD 5 (12:13)

  58. Ken Davis Seriously Funny DVD 6 (11:17)

  59. My Wife Is Not Okay (5:54) Ken Davis

  60. Teenage Mutant Hotel Dwellers (3:46) Ken Davis

  61. Comedy By Ken Davis (6:07)

  62. Cartoon Impressions (5:21) David Ferrell

  63. Middle Children (3:17) David Ferrell

  64. Marriage Skit (8:59) Chonda Pierce And Ken Davis

  65. Clean Family Comedyt (4:05) Taylor Mason

  66. Clean Comedy (9:55) Taylor Mason

  67. Sumo And His Puppet Orchestra (12:20) Taylor Mason

  68. Taylor Mason at The Church at Severn Run (1:03:58)

  69. Take Out The Garbage (3:38) Taylor Mason

  70. The Dishwasher (6:56) Taylor Mason

  71. Clean Comedian by Events Edge Entertainment (7:24) Gerry Dee

  72. Gerry Dee's Stand Up (8:22)

  73. Just For Laughs 2007 (10:01) Gerry Dee

  74. Put A Helmet On (7:38) Brad Stine

  75. Running Late (6:02) Brad Stine

  76. Common Courtesy...Remember That (8:00) Brad Stine

  77. Men Should Get Pregnant (4:22) Brad Stine

  78. Apostles Of Comedy - Clip (22:28)