2023 March Releases

Meet the author: Justin Rhodes is a Permaculturalist, film producer, and author, teaching folks to work with nature to produce their own sustenance and live a more abundant life. Seasoned homesteaders, the Rhodes family has enjoyed many years of practicing "beyond organic" and permaculture methods on their 75-acre family farm near Asheville NC. Justin and his wife, Rebekah, are parents to five children, including the infamous shoe-losing “Mr. Brown.”

Gideon, the second youngest child of homesteaders Justin and Rebekah Rhodes, is infamously known as the shoe-losing "Mr. Brown." It drives his papa nuts, especially when it’s time to head out to do chores on the farm. Where Are Your Shoes, Mr. Brown? is an engaging story that follows Mr. Brown as he searches for his missing shoes, bringing a humorous message about responsibility along with an underlying theme of a parent's love. Justin and Rebekah are parents to five children and involve the them in much of the work on the farm to teach values of hard work, problem solving, and life skills like growing their own food.

Where Are Your Shoes, Mr. Brown? is the new book written by Justin Rhodes, and illustrated by Heather Dickinson. The heartfelt “Note from Justin” placed at the end of the book clearly reflects the importance he places on parenthood, and this emphasis plays out on the pages of the book. My grandson, who is 8, and my granddaughter who is 5 really liked the story. They laughed, as did I, at the name, Mr. Brown. The illustrations are wonderful, nicely done, and complement the story in an engaging way which was evidenced by the kids really taking the time to look at them. They kept exploring on each page as they wondered where the shoes were. They really liked the ending and wanted to read the book again! The book offers much in the area of interaction. There are so many things to point to, explain, and question. The reading experience is enjoyable, calming, and teaches family values!

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