2023 September Releases

We live in a time when too much importance is placed on careers, education, and WHAT WE DO! Every time I meet someone new the questions I get asked are usually the same; namely, What's your name? Where do you live? And of course, What do you do?? The unfortunate part about this is that the “what we do” mindset begins to get forged early on in our elementary school years.

Paula Faris in her new book, Who Do You Want to be When You Grow Up? explores a new approach. One where we change the emphasis, focus, and encouragement when talking with our children about their futures. “Career Day” should not be a nightmare for them; a day in which they are supposed to tell about their future jobs and careers. But rather it should be a day when they can openly tell WHO they want to become and why. Paula through her empowering story line, emphasized through the brilliant and colorful illustrations of Bhagya Madanasinghe, provides a much needed message for our young ones, as well as a wonderful tool for parents to use in guiding the focus of this important discussion. At the end of the book Paula provides a heartfelt note followed by questions that we can ask to get our children started. Most importantly! She advises us to affirm our child's character.

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