2021 October Releases

JOEL OSTEEN is a New York Times bestselling author and the senior pastor of America's largest church, Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas. More than 10 million viewers watch his weekly inspirational messages through television, and over 60 million people connect with Joel through his digital platforms worldwide. Joel can be heard 24/7 on SiriusXM 128 – Joel Osteen Radio. You can visit his website, and find him on Facebook.

Joel Osteen's new book, “You Are Stronger Than You Think,” is written with the goal of leading you to the point whereby you can overcome the can't-do mentality. Coming in at 221 pages Joel offers another tool for our encouragement with his easy to read, and directly to the point literary style. Over the course of fifteen chapters we are led to understand that can-do power will not be activated while the can't-do mentality is embraced. Greatness, dreams, and God's plan for our lives, are not unachievable because we are not just average. We are only limited by our own thinking. This book can really make a difference in your life if you embrace the message that it contains. Strength, favor, talents, grace to achieve, and open doors to your dreams are all much bigger than you allow your mind to comprehend. Stop seeing yourself as small and undervalued, but rather look at yourself the way God looks at you! You are an original masterpiece and not a copycat. Receive what this book has to offer and release the principles that you learn; they may enable you to unleash the power God has given you, allowing you to go beyond the limits that you have imposed on yourself.

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