2023 August Releases

Nick Nilson is an Associate Pastor at America’s largest church, Lakewood Church. His authenticity and charisma help him share the hope of Jesus everywhere he goes. His work as a leader and communicator has given him the opportunity to help people to realize their full potential in every area of their life. He is happily married to his wife Summer, and they pastor at Lakewood Church in Houston, TX, where they also reside with their children, Haven, Denver and their spoiled dog Harley.

Nick Nilson in his new book, “You Can Live The Dream," shows us how a change of perspective is a key ingredient that allows us to live the dream, rather than chase those life markers which we think are happiness destinations. Nick has provided us with an insightful guide which can help us live life to the fullest. Letting go of the past, and celebrating the good things on the way to the great things, give us bounce back power. But we shouldn't wait for perfect conditions according to Nick, but rather we need to “Do it afraid.” When we operate from a position of humility we are in a position to recognize God's divine appointments. Nick drives home the point that we need the right people around us; not the, it can't be done kind of people, but rather the “dream team” kind of people. Too often people get hung up on perfection, instead of focusing on consistency, which is the better potential reaching requirement. Nick does a masterful job in showing us that there is nothing that can keep God's favor from getting to us. Key to this is in recognizing that favor can come in many different forms, AND, it is never "just for you.”

I really enjoyed this easy to read book that is filled with helpful information. This is definitely a work which should be read more than once, and it can serve as an ongoing “go to” resource that will help you “Live The Dream!”

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