God's Mining Operation

Thanks for checking out our new feature which started on June 29, 2011.

We are excited to bring you the Word of God in a little different way and we trust that you will enjoy studying along with us as we explore God's Mining Operation and Dig Out The Gems that He has placed in His written Word for our enjoyment, learning, strength, and edification!

All of these messages may be viewed by clicking on the titles below or you may view them on our YouTube Channel.

An audio podcast which includes this feature is also available. You may view your free subscription options in the "Audio Podcasts" section at the bottom of this page

  • What Was He After? (Gem #1 - Part 1) (14:17)

    This video kicks off our new feature and in it we will be taking a look at Genesis 3. What was satan after? When did the temptation start? Let's dive into the Word of God to discover this gem of scripture.

  • What Was He After? (Gem #1 - Part 2) (4:00)

    Do your homework. Take a look at a similar attack that is recorded in Luke 4. What are the similarities? What are the differences? Compare the results!

  • So Close And Yet So Far Gem #2 - Part 1 (10:37)

    How has God chosen to keep us close to His awareness? What pain is God willing to endure in order that He sees us always? How does this compare to a nursing mother's love of her child? Join us for some answers.

  • So Close And Yet So Far (Gem #2 - Part 2) (9:25)

    He could have easily used different words, so why did God choose these particular words in our verse of study? How can we use the impact of the answer to help us in our own lives? Join us as we take a look at this gem of scripture and hook it up with the scripture of Part 1 for even greater impact for living the more than abundant life.

  • Fuggetaboutit! (Gem #3) (12:02)

    Forgiveness is an important part of a believer's life. If you fail to forgive others and forget about the issue in your heart there will be consequences to pay. God's forgiveness to us is unmatchable! He has forgiven us of all our sins through the shed blood of His son Jesus Christ. He forgives us on a daily basis for an endless number of things that we do or do not do. And too often instead of really appreciating and understanding the love, mercy, and grace of God we in turn go out and practice unforgiveness to our fellow human beings.

    Join us as we take a look at this gem of scripture to see what God sets forth in His Word on this important subject of forgiving and forgetting.

    ** Contemporary Version: "The Unmerciful Servant" (5:52)

    The subject of forgiveness is a serious one and we must learn to forgive and forget. BUT! We Christians sometimes don't laugh enough. Above is a link to a video which brings the parable entitled, "The Unmerciful Servant" up to contemporary times and does so with humor. It does, however, attempt to drive home a good message of forgiving and forgetting.

  • Press, Shake, & Po! Til You Can't Po No Mo! (Gem #4) (13:11)

    Have you ever wondered why "What goes around comes around?" When you give of your time , resources, and finances do you do it with a cheerful heart? Do you think God likes a cheerful giver?

    God looks on the heart and wants to bless us greatly. In Luke 6:38 He tells us what to expect when we give. BUT! What exactly is the meaning of this verse? Join us as we wash off this gem of scripture and let its brightness shine.

  • Seek And Ye Shall Find (Gem #5) (14:05)

    We're going to dive into the Book of Genesis once again to uncover a precious gem that is contained in Chapters 5 and Chapter 11. It is absolutely amazing how God's Word fits together like a hand in a glove. We have an awesome God who reveals "that" which He chooses to reveal, and hides "that" which He chooses to hide. It is up to us to search the scriptures to find out what God has to say to us and to find those gems that shine so brightly once they are uncovered!

  • Why The Waiting Game?: Cause God's God And You're Not (Gem #6 - Part 1) (9:45)

    We're going into the Book of Genesis once again and this time to Chapters 12 and 17.

    Why did God wait so long after the promises He made to Abram to make the covenant with him? Join us and find out.

  • Why The Waiting Game?: Cause God's God And You're Not (Gem #6 - Part 2) (6:28)

    We're going into the Book of Genesis once again and this time to Chapters 12 and 17.

    Why did God wait so long after the promises He made to Abram to make the covenant with him? Join us and find out.

  • If You Need To Get Low: Climb A Tree (Gem #7) (11:08)

    Today we're going into the Gospel Of Luke and Chapter 19. Why did Zacchaeus climb a tree? Why not use the more common methods of viewing someone of prominence that was passing by? Join us for this wonderful gem of scripture!

  • Keep Shoveling Them Coals (Gem #8) (18:53)

    Today we're going into the Book of Romans and we'll be in Chapter 12.

    Vengeance is something that most of us gravitate towards when we are hurt by someone. BUT! What does God say about the subject? We have to love without hypocrisy and turn things over to Him so that He can do His thing.

  • The Rebekah Principle (Gem #9) (28:57)

    Today we're going into the Book of Genesis and we'll be in Chapter 24.

    What can we learn from this young woman who lived so long ago that will have a major impact on our daily lives today? What does this type of short study show us about how we can learn and benefit from the reading and studying of God's Word?

  • I've Fallen And I Can't Get Up: Now What? (Gem #10) (33:04)

    Today we're going into the Book of Psalms and we'll be in Psalm 119.

    In this the longest of the psalms we are going to be concentrating on something that Daniel compared himself to. He was going through some stuff in his life and it wore him out! He had fallen and it was hard for him to get back up. What can we learn from this gem so that when we get knocked down we do not get knocked out?

  • Order My Steps In Thy Word (Gem #11) (41:50)

    Is it your soul's sincere desire to have your life ordered, or established, in God's Word? Is His standard the standard that you want for your life? When our steps are ordered according to the standard of God's Word, no iniquity or sin can have any power over us because we're living our lives God's way. Join us today in this wonderful gem from God's Word which beautifully illustrates the Sychronized Life principle.