The Heart Of Christian Service

Why do you serve the Lord? What drives your level of commitment? Those that are in full time Christian service and those that are in part time Christian service are all essential to the building of God's church. We are all laborers together with the Lord. We are all one in Christ Jesus and seeking to use our gifts for His glory.

All of these messages may be viewed by clicking on the titles below or you may view them on our YouTube Channel.

  1. Introduction (video - 17:42)

    Why do you serve the Lord? What drives your level of commitment? Does your attitude and motivation to serve reflect the love of God? Does God get the glory from your Christian service?

    Today we're starting an exploration into the "Heart Of Christian Service." As we go through the various aspects of Christian ministry we would exhort and encourage you to make a self evaluation to see where your heart is relative to this important area of Christian service.

  2. What We Want vs What God Wants (video - 13:18)

    We are prone to have a "manufacturer's mentality" when God wants us to have a "distributor's mentality." We have to confess our bankruptcy, recognizing that only God is rich, and receive by faith the grace that we need for acceptable service.

  3. How Do You Respond To Human Needs? (video - 51:01)

    This world is made up of all kinds of people and they have different types of needs. Today we're going to take a look at a few different ways that we may in fact respond to those needs. It's a matter of choice and we must make the decision to respond to human needs with a true servant's heart.

  4. Dealing With The Hedgehogs (video - 54:05)

    What happens when the people with the needs don't want our help? How do we effectively deal with the protective barriers that some construct around their hearts? Is love the motivation for your ministry? What should you do when you encounter difficult people, circumstances, or situations? Do you quit or hang in during the tough times?

    Join us as we answer these questions and continue our exploration into "The Heart Of Christian Service."

  5. Are You A Servant Or A Celebrity (video - 31:34)

    The questions God's people need to ask in Christian service are: Did we obey the will of God? Were we empowered by the Spirit of God? Did we serve to the glory of God? If we can answer yes to these questions, then our ministry has been successful in God's eyes, no matter what people may think.

    It's doubtful that anybody ever does anything out of a purely unselfish motive; but with God's help, we can try!

  6. Let's Get It Right (video - 34:02)

    Ministry is not something we do for God, but rather something God does in and through us. God doesn't make mistakes when He calls you to minister! He prepares His servants long before birth and your very genetic structure is ordained of God.

    Don't resist or refuse the call of God for your life! Be a loving servant, honoring God, by being the "best you" that you can be. Do you want to be a "cheap imitation" or a "priceless original?" IT'S YOUR CHOICE!

  7. Refocusing Your Motivation (video - 22:49)

    What is the motivation of your Christian service; the driving force behind your ministry? The enemy will use your perceptions, turn them into deceptions, and take you down!

  8. The Plan, Good Works, And Makeovers (video - 11:24)

    God has a specific plan for each of His children, BUT sometimes things don't go according to the plan!

  9. The Shadow And The Fruit Must Yield To the Roots (video - 10:56)

    Join us as we continue our exploration into "The Heart Of Christian Service."

  10. Purpose And Maturity: The How, The Why, And The Fit (video - 7:37)

    Join us as we continue our exploration into "The Heart Of Christian Service."