The Heart Of Christian Service

Why do you serve the Lord? What drives your level of commitment? Those that are in full time Christian service and those that are in part time Christian service are all essential to the building of God's church. We are all laborers together with the Lord. We are all one in Christ Jesus and seeking to use our gifts for His glory.

All of these messages may be accessed by clicking on the titles below or you may view the video messages on our YouTube Channel.

  1. People, People, People (video - 10:31)
  2. In this segment we'll be looking at how problems with people can affect a believer's Christian service.

  3. How GMP May Lead To Movement (audio - 23:48)
  4. In this message we will be using a quote from Orison Swett Marden to discover four important points relative to our Christian service.

  5. Bug'N Out (video - 11:12)
  6. Today we’re going to pick up on the general theme of our last study and talk about knowing when and how to close a ministry and move on to something else.

  7. It's My Time, OR IS IT? (video - 22:58
  8. Self deception and jumping the gun are two elements that may cause you regrets. Join us and find out if, it is indeed "Your Time."

  9. Woe Is Me! Can We Do That Again? (video - 8:07)
  10. We’ve all had those moments no matter what ministry or function that we’ve participated in, where we’ve felt that despite our hours of preparation, we failed in our mission. Times that you wish you could do it all over again. Join us as we answer the question: What DO Christian workers do when they feel like they’ve done a poor job of serving the Lord?

  11. Senior Players Don't Play With Trains! (video - 26:39)
  12. This message is for those Christian workers who the younger crowd may refer to as senior citizens.

  13. There Is Joy In Serving Jesus (audio - 11:10)
  14. The joys of serving Jesus are many, and they will stand the test of time!

  15. The "Nevertheless" Of Obedient Faith (audio - 44:10)
  16. How do we succeed in ministry? Why do we read the Bible? How can I know the will of God? Why may we find ourselves failing in our ministry service? If you're interested in getting the answers to these questions, join us and listen in to this eye opening message.

  17. What Will Make Ministry Worth It All? (audio - 20:23)
  18. In today's message we will answer the question, What Will Make Ministry Worth It All?

  19. Loyalty or A Baited Hook? (audio - 23:01)
  20. Loyalty requires humility, and we don't mean a false humility. When we practice true humility, God pours out His grace, and that my friends is a "Game Changer!"

  21. Higher Highs and Lower Lows (audio - 18:03)
  22. In the economy of God suffering and glory go hand in hand. You must condition yourselves to see and experience the glory on the mountain!

  23. Walking The Tightrope Of Ministry (audio - 51:38)
  24. Our goal and purpose in ministry should be "to walk and to please God" (1 Thess:4:1). Accomplishing this in our service to the Lord is often a balancing act!"

  25. How To Get Off The Roller Coaster! (audio - 27:24)
  26. There will be days in your Christian service on which you will be "off your game." You need to level off the experience and keep your feelings in check.

  27. Remember To Forget (audio - 14:49)
  28. Satan wants to gain a negative stronghold in your mind and have a foothold on your life. Don't become a toxic avenger, "Remember To Forget."

  29. Don't Live Your Life On Substitutes (audio - 33:42)
  30. Jesus had a great deal to say about wealth and money. Wealth in it's most dangerous form has the power to seduce us, and can wreak havoc in both our hearts and our ministries.

  31. Which Leg Shall I Move First? (audio - 14:29)
  32. We can get so wrapped up in pondering the perplexities of the future that we fail to seize the opportunities of the present and do the work that's needed right now.